The VRSciT project (2020-1-PT01-KA204-078597) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Press Reviews

The VRSciT project partnership made contacts with web sites focusing on the field of education. The VRSciT project was presented to the web masters and a link to the VRSciT project portal was made so that those who will access the selected web sites can also access, through a direct link, the VRSciT portal.


Pixel is partner in the VRSciT project. Pixel website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users from Universities, Associations, Public bodies, Training Agencies, Schools, participants in the International Conferences on Education and people interested in the seminars/masters visit Pixel website (estimated visits are around 12.000 users each year). They may now learn about and benefit from the VRSciT project

GrEnFIn Project

The GrEnFIn Erasmus+/Knowledge Alliance project aims to provide the Energy Sector’s stakeholders (energy providers, private companies, research institutes,…) the figure of the Sustainable Energy experts professional, i.e. European high skilled professionals capable to face the changing challenges in the field with an inclusive global logic. On the web page of the GrEnFIn project is available a link to the project portal then all the users (partners, lecturers, associated partners and people interested in the project) may now learn about and benefit from the GrEnFIn project.

VšĮ „eMundus“

Public institution eMundus is official partner of the VRSciT project. Institution cooperates widely in National and International projects area with different educational institutions. There are many users visiting website that will find out information about VRSciT project.

LieDM asociacija

Lithuanian Association of Distance and e-Learning (LieDM association) is a volunteer organization which unites all Lithuanian science, study, and education institutions which implement distance teaching and learning. It was created in January 2010 based on agreements of the member institutions. The association maintains and develops the activities of LieDM network, makes use of its possibilities and services that are implemented centrally. At the moment (01/2019) LieDM association consists of 44 institutions.

Centro Ciência Viva de Bragança

Centro Ciência Viva de Bragança (CCVB), is the coordinator of the VRSciT project. CCVB website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users from, National Agency Ciência Viva, Science Centers, ECSITE, Universities, Associations, Public bodies, Training Agencies, Schools, citizens of the Bragança and people interested in the Science Comunication visit CCVB website.They may now learn about and benefit from the VRSciT project.


The Fiction project has the aim to provide science teachers with the skills to use digital tools and strategies for teaching at secondary school level. On the web page of the Fiction project is available a link to the project portal then all the users (partners, lecturers, associated partners and people interested in the project) may now learn about and benefit from the VRSciT project

CAVE Project

The CAVE project aims to work on two dimensions of the European Education Area, that of quality and that of inclusion to counter forms of socio-cultural, linguistic, and psychocognitive inequality, and reducing the main misalignments in the field of education, emphasized in the period of COVID19. On the web page of the CAVEproject is available a link to the project portal then all the users (partners, lecturers, associated partners and people interested in the project) may now learn about and benefit from the VRSciTproject.

Contemporary Sculpture Garden UNITE Museum

CSGUniteM is partner of the VRScIT project. The CSGUniteM site provides information on the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users of Universities, Associations, Public Bodies, Training Agencies, Schools and contemporary art enthusiasts visit the CSGUniteM site (estimated visits are about 5,000 users every year). Now they can learn about and benefit from the VRScit project.


SCAYLE is a partner in the VRSciT project. The SCAYLE website currently offers a direct link on its homepage to the VRSciT project website. Full information about the project will be available on the SCAYLE website in the near future. Researchers from Universities, public bodies, students, and people interested in training visit the SCAYLE website (estimated visits are around 3,500 users per year). With this link, visitors can learn about and benefit from the VRSciT project.

International Projects Office-ULE

The International Projects Office of the ULE supports the participation of the university community in international projects in different fields. Its mission is to promote and encourage the presence of the ULE in this field by assisting in the search for international partners and in the budgetary and technical management of projects.


IPB is a partner in the VRSciT project. The webpage of the institute provides information about Erasmus+ financed projects listed by period. And direct link to the VRSciT online webportal.


CeDRI is one of the partners of VRSciT project. CeDRI’s webpage provides information about international and national projects. The webpage provides VRSciT project description, image template and direct link to the VRScit online portal.

Lithuanian Education History Museum

Lithuanian Education History Museum is a project partner and presents the project description, goals and results on its website. The website is used by teachers, schools and universities students, and the public.

CeDRI Facebook Page

CeDRI is a research center in Digitalization and Intelligent Robotics. CeDRI Facebook site provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. There are more than 500 users that may now learn about and benefit from the VRSciT project.


Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Realities (VAM) project provides a projects showcases associated to Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Realities areas.

Centro de Formação da Associação de Escolas Bragança Norte

The CFAE Bragança Norte seeks to respond to the training priorities of school clusters and teaching professionals, strengthening training focused on improving teaching skills, particularly in the scientific, curricular and pedagogical fields and focusing on the school as a privileged place for training. The CFAE Bragança Norte is a partner association in the VRSciT project.

Associação Aldeia

ALDEIA is an association that aims to contribute to sustainable development, based on the conservation of nature and the preservation of culture and traditions that survive in rural areas. The Association was formed in Planalto Mirandês in July 2003. The current official headquarters is located in Vimioso, in the northeastern Transmontano, a region where you can still find some of the best preserved natural and cultural heritage of Portugal. The landscape, the biodiversity and the lifestyle of its people make the Nordeste Transmontano one of the most privileged regions of the country, especially for those who seek a close and genuine contact with Nature and the Rural World. In parallel, ALDEIA bets on the development of activities in different regions in partnership with several local entities, mainly in the interior of the country. ALDEIA association is a partner association in the VRSciT project.

Fondazione Venanzo Crocetti

Venanzo Crocetti Foundation is an associate partner of the VRScIT project. The site provides information on the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users of Universities, Associations, Public Bodies, Schools and enthusiasts of modern art and sculpture visit the site (estimated visits are around 20,000 per year). Now they can learn about and benefit from the VRScit project.

Contemporary Sculpture Garden UNITE Museum

CSGUniteM is partner of the VRScIT project. The CSGUniteM site provides information on the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users of Universities, Associations, Public Bodies, Training Agencies, Schools and contemporary art enthusiasts visit the CSGUniteM site (estimated visits are about 5,000 users every year). Now they can learn about and benefit from the VRScit project.

Contemporary Sculpture Garden UNITE Museum

CSGUniteM is partner of the VRScIT project. The CSGUniteM site provides information on the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users of Universities, Associations, Public Bodies, Training Agencies, Schools and contemporary art enthusiasts visit the CSGUniteM site (estimated visits are about 5,000 users every year). Now they can learn about and benefit from the VRScit project.

Istituto Abruzzese di Storia Musicale

Istituto Abruzzese di Storia Musicale (IASM) is an associate partner of the VRScIT project. The site provides information on the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users of Universities, Associations, Public Bodies, Schools and and enthusiasts of musical traditions and history visit the site (estimated visits are around 3,000 per year). Now they can learn about and benefit from the VRScit project.

University of Teramo

UNITE is partner of the VRsciT project. The site provides information about the project along with a direct link to the Portal. Users of University of Teramo, Associations, Public Bodies, students, participants in Conferences and interested in seminars / masters visit the UNITE website (estimated visits are about 25,000 users every year). Now they can learn about and benefit from the VRScit project.

International Projects Office-ULE

The International Projects Office of the ULE supports the participation of the university community in international projects in different fields. Its mission is to promote and encourage the presence of the ULE in this field by assisting in the search for international partners and in the budgetary and technical management of projects.

EU-BANK project web page

The project entitled: “Banking Platform to provide Basic Knowledge on Key Issues about EU Financial System” has been granted as a project in the 2017– EAC/A03/2016 Erasmus + Jean Monnet call with reference: 587661-EPP-1-2017-1-ES-EPPJMO-PROJECT. The project is developed by the University of León (ULE – Potential visitors would be university students, banking and finance professionals and the general public.

Robotics Research Group

This is the official website of the Robotics Group of the University of León (ULE). This is a group of researchers (teachers and students) interested in creating autonomous behavior for mobile robots. Potential visitors are therefore professors, researchers and students.


The Faustina Álvarez García Adult Education Centre is a public centre whose main objective is to provide continuing education and training opportunities for adults who wish to expand their knowledge and skills, either for your personal or professional development. Another priority objective is to disseminate and develop the pedagogical use of information and communication technologies (ICT) among the Centre’s student profile. Visitors to this website are adults interested in education, school students, employers and companies, educators and trainers.


EuroCC Spain RES project aims to create a National Competence Center (NCC) that is capable of providing a wide portfolio of Supercomputing, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence services adapted to the respective needs of the industry (especially SMEs), the academic world and public administration in Spain. The NCC center in Spain will be part of a network of National Centers of Competence made up of 33 participating States, members and associates. In this way, the advantages, experience and resources available in Europe in terms of supercomputing, big data and artificial intelligence are used and benefited for the coordination of initiatives at a national level for the promotion of these technologies.


Q-CAYLE is the name of the project developed by SCAYLE and the Universities of Burgos, Salamanca and Valladolid within the Complementary Plan for R&D&I in Quantum Communications co-funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Regional Government of Castilla y León. The objective is to promote research, innovation and transfer in the field of quantum communications in Castilla y León, taking advantage of SCAYLE's infrastructures, its 1,300 km of dark fibre, which operates in the area of quantum communications. 300 km of dark fibre, which operates as the manager of the regional R+D+i network RedCAYLE, as well as those of calculation, as part of the ICTS Spanish Supercomputing Network and the experience of the "Interuniversity Group of Quantum Technologies" (GITC), the result of the collaboration of two Consolidated Research Units of the Universities of Burgos, Salamanca and Valladolid: the UIC "Photonics, Quantum Information and Radiation and Wave Scattering" and the UIC "Mathematical Physics". Application granted in the complementary R&D&I plans of the Ministry of Science and Innovation 2021.


The purposes of STEAM-Active project are: - Improve the capacity of the higher education educational offer in engineering of new learning and teaching methods; - Tackle engineering student underachievement and gender inequality; - Provide university lecturers with STEAM based methodological approaches and teaching tools; - Provide universities with consistent, re-usable and up-scalable teaching-Learning sequences based on the STEAM methods. STEAM-ACTIVE project website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users may now learn about and benefit from the VRSCIT project.

GrEnFIn Project

The GrEnFIn project aims to train Professionals and Students to become Sustainable Energy Experts. In line with the key elements of the Innovation Union and the EU Higher Education Modernization Agenda, the GrEnFIn Erasmus+/Knowledge Alliance project aims to provide to the stakeholders (energy providers, private companies, research institutes,…) the figure of the Sustainable Energy experts professional, i.e. European high skilled professionals capable to face the changing challenges in the field of Green Finance, Climate and Business, Energy Transition. GrEnFIn project website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users may now learn about and benefit from the VRSCiT project

MathE Project

Enhance the quality of teaching and improve pedagogies and assessment methods by: Facilitating the identification of students’ gaps in Math Providing Math teachers with appropriate digital sources Enhancing transnational sharing of innovative teaching sources MathE project website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users may now learn about and benefit from the VRSCiT project

iMATH Project

The purpose of iMath portal is to develop a new AI-driven tool that will support higher education students with respect to mathematics subjects, providing them with a database of resources, hands-on activities and self-evaluation tests, brought together in an online dynamical platform that will help and advise them through a personalized learning path based on their previous performances. Therefore, iMath aims to add value, lowering the perception that mathematics is too hard to be understood and contributing to mitigate the dropping out of students due to perceived mathematics obstacles. iMath project website provides information about the project together with a direct link to the Portal. Users may now learn about and benefit from the VRSCiT project

Cosy Project

The project identifies two main specific objectives: Strengthen the collaboration among academic institutions provide them with a clearer picture of the range of opportunities between the universal and the particular Provide academic lecturers and managerial staff with knowledge, skills and tools for adapting their educational activities with a specific focus on sustainable development Provide undergraduate students with competences on complex systems thinking as a basis for sustainability action and make them employable in organizations interested to meet the sustainable development goals.

Kaunas County Public Library

Established in 1950, Kaunas County Public Library (KAVB) Kaunas County Public Library is the largest public library in Lithuania, serving domestic and foreign citizens. The Library researches library activities, produces methodological and informative publications, shares information resources, provides professional assistance, organises events and implements joint projects.

Kaunas Center of Education Innovation

The Centre is one of the largest teacher training centres in Lithuania (established on 15 July 1995) and the first in the country to be accredited (2019). repeatedly for another five years, by order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania, the accreditation certificate No. KT3-12). The Centre’s work is based on the values of tolerance and empathy; democracy and equal opportunities; the will to develop and change; responsibility and teamwork; and respect for educational and cultural traditions.

Education Centre of Kaunas district

The main activities of the Centre are: development of programmes and projects, development of competences of adults (education, culture and sports workers, civil servants, students of the University of the Third Age, etc.), development of teachers' methodological activities, organisation of pupils' competitions and Olympiads, coordination of the activities of the network of the district's health-enhancing schools, provision of special pedagogical and psychological support to teachers, parents and pupils, vocational information and counselling to students.

Lithuanian Museum Association

Lithuanian Museum Association is a voluntary non-profit organization standing for museums around Lithuania. Contemporary Association is a well-established and independent organization proudly representing Lithuanian museums and capable for implementing large scale European funded socially orientated projects. Museum professionals gathered under the umbrella of the Association are keen on materializing main values of creativity, lifelong learning and social bonding through projects aimed to developing competences of museum personnel and developing tight connections between school and museum.

Lithuanian Ethnocosmology Museum

The Lithuanian Museum of Ethnocosmology is the first and the only museum of such character in the world. The essence of the Museum is the relationship of a man and mankind with the Cosmic World. The main task of Lithuanian Museum of Ethnocosmology is to collect, accumulate, systematize, preserve, research, expose the information on the relationship of a man and mankind with the Cosmic World and to provide it to the visitors.

Centro de Gestão da empresa agrícola Vale do Tua

The Vale do Tua Agricultural Enterprise Management Centre is a non-cooperative Patronal Economic Association, based in Mirandela, Portugal, which began its activity in 1992, born from the will of its founders to create an innovative structure in the region, with the mission of contributing to the sustained development of the region, providing agents in the agricultural sector with adequate training, also promoting innovation and entrepreneurship, modernisation, technical-economic improvement and increasing the income of the members' farms.

Kaunas Jonas and Petras Vileisiai School

Associated partner - Kaunas Jonas and Petras Vileisiai School is located in Kaunas. It’s vision is: a modern, open to change, innovative and safe school, focused on the development of students' abilities and values, preparing students to live in a constantly changing society. Mission: To provide high-quality pre-school, pre-school, primary and basic education, to create conditions for the development of creativity, flexibility and innovativeness by forming the need for sustainability and the ability to optimally use information technology, artificial intelligence and the opportunities provided by other teaching tools and methodologies. Responsibility, trust and social engagement. School has almost 900 students: around 400 in Primary Education, almost 350 in Lower Secondary Education and over 150 children in kindergarten and preschool. To ensure best education for these children the school has more than 80 teachers and teacher’s assistant’s, almost 40 non-pedagogical employees. Most of the teachers are active participants in all school’s initiatives, national events, contests, international projects, etc. School contributes to the dissemination and exploitation of the project results - Placement of information in website - Creating posts and sharing information on school’s Facebook page - Sharing information in regional and interregional meetings of teachers (different subjects: history, geography, etc.) - Sharing information at national and international conferences, training and other events

Trakai Adult Education Centre

Associated partner Trakai Adult Education Centre provides formal and non-formal education. The following formal education programs are implemented at the Trakai Adult Education Center: - basic adult education, - adult secondary education, - development of social skills. The center offers group part-time, distance, everyday learning.

Educational Support Service of Raseiniai District

Associated partner Educational Support Service of Raseiniai District carries out pedagogical psychological assessments of children/students, provides psychological, special pedagogical assistance to children/students from birth to 21 years age, provides psychological assistance for parents and teachers, organizes open work with young people from 14 to 29 years old, organizes events for the exchange of the best practices of teachers, nonformal educators, conducts the activities of Raseiniai Third Age University. One of the main activities is non-formal education of teachers and other adults. The subjects of training programs are different: from improving the quality of educational activities in general education schools, inclusive education to the implementation of lifelong learning, the application of information technologies, the development of emotional intelligence, etc.

STEP Project

The STEP project aims to drive excellence and enhance the research capacity and reputation of Instituto Politecnico de Bragança (IPB) in the widening country of Portugal, by excelling in the domain of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) values through cross-fertilisation.


ATIVOE - is a non-profit institution, focused on carrying out and promoting initiatives aimed at fostering employability through seven strategic vectors:


The European Network for the Transfer and Exploitation of EU Project Results offers the possibility to Present EU projects to the public, stakeholders, experts and potential project partners.

The VRSciT Project

The VRSciT project (2020-1-PT01-KA204-078597) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License